Vintage Beechler Diamond Dot Alto Sax 3S Mouthpiece RARE With Ligature + Cap
December 5, 20240 comments

This is a vintage Beechler diamond dot 3S alto sax mouthpiece in excellent all original condition. These are quite hard to find now and extremely sought after. Made popular by the great Earl Bostic. This is a very powerful alto piece. It’s a very smooth and even player from top to bottom. Great for jazz, funk, pop, r&b and big band. This one is a rare all original 3S. Tip, rails and table are in perfect condition. There is a small tooth indent in the bite plate area, but is hardly noticeable when using a mouthpiece patch (as I have always done). These mouthpieces are made from ebolin and so are prone to cracking around the shank over time. Someone has taken the liberty of fitting a metal band around the shank to prevent any cracks or splits, which has been done very well as you can see from the pictures. Comes with non-original brass ligature and black plastic cap.

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