Selmer Metal Mouthpiece Alto Sax Cap
December 10, 2024admin0 comments
Selmer Metal Mouthpiece Alto Sax Cap. Official Selmer cap for metal alto mouthpiece. This high quality silver plated mouthpiece cap is designed to be used with the metal jazz Selmer Ato Sax mouthpiece when used with the official Selmer metal ligature. Made in France this beautiful cap perfectly protects the mouthpiece tip and reed when not in use. Official Selmer Paris product. Designed specifically to fit the metal Selmer Alto Sax mouthpiece with Selmer metal lig. May not fit over other metal mouthpieces or ligatures. Beautifully finished in high quality silver plate. Dawkes Music is a specialist Woodwind & Brass retailer operating from a 6800 square foot Warehouse in Berkshire, United Kingdom. The shop carries over four thousand accessory lines and over 4000 Instruments and has a dedicated Saxophone Suite with all the best Saxophones on show.
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- 10×25
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- cmaj7
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- conn-selmer
- contoured
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- copper
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- customized
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- e-flat
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- easy
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- eighties
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- endless
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- essential
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- excellent
- exquisite
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- fantasia
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- fire
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- flat
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- high
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- high-quality
- hightech
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- huge
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- iconic
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- improve
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- indiana
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- instrumental
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- item4011sn
- jazz
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- klum
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- knows
- kohlert
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- latest
- latetransitional
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- learn
- learning
- lebayle
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- legendary
- legere
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- ligature
- lightweight
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- lots
- lovely
- mahogany
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- make
- manila
- marca
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- masquerade
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- maybe
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- melody
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- metal
- meyer
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- midnight
- might
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- miniature
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- mint
- minty
- minute
- minutes
- mirage
- misty
- molded
- monday
- money
- monique
- monte
- month
- moon
- morgan
- morgan'excalibur
- most
- motown
- mouth
- mouthpiece
- muslady
- must
- native
- natural
- navy
- nearness
- neck
- never
- nice
- nickel-plated
- night
- nikkan
- nikkanyamaha
- noblet
- nonaka
- nonsense
- notes
- odyssey
- offer
- oleg
- omebaige
- only
- opportunity
- optimum
- orange
- original
- original'5
- otto
- owned
- pachelbel
- pack
- packs
- padded
- pagema
- paint
- paraschos
- parchment
- paris
- peppa
- perfect
- perfected
- peter
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- pierret
- piezobarrel
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- pirates
- play
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- ponzol
- portable
- post
- pre-owned
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- prestini
- pristine
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- propac
- proper
- protable
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- purple
- queen
- raise
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- rectangle
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- reed
- reference
- relaxing
- rene
- retro
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- retro-revivalseventh
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- reynolds
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- romeo
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- rousseau'metal
- rovner
- rubber
- rudy
- rush
- sakkusu
- sale
- samba
- same
- santaluna
- saturday
- sax-new
- saxello
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- saxophon
- saxophone
- saxophones
- saxphone
- saxworks
- saxy
- saxz
- search
- select
- selection
- selmer
- semi-hard
- sentimental
- series
- sets
- shallow
- shaped
- sheppard
- ship
- short
- should
- shrink
- silber
- silver
- silverstein
- silvertone
- singel
- slade
- smith
- smooth
- smoothest
- soir
- solist
- somewhere
- sonata
- songs
- sopranino
- soprano
- sound
- sounds
- spanish
- speak
- special
- stagg
- stainless
- standard
- star
- start
- started
- stephsax
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- stops
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- studio
- stunning
- sturn
- sugal
- suitable
- summertime
- summina
- sung
- sunkissed
- super
- superb
- sweet
- syntheticsax
- system
- taigor
- take
- taste
- taught
- tears
- technique
- technologies
- tedklum
- tennessee
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- tenor
- testing
- thank
- thejazz
- theme
- theo
- thicc
- thickened
- thigh
- things
- thousand
- tiny
- tokyo
- told
- tonguing
- tonight
- town
- transparent
- transpose
- trekking
- trevor
- triangle
- tricks
- tripod
- tuesday
- type
- types
- unboxing
- unique
- unknown
- unwind
- upgrading
- uptown
- used
- utopia
- vandoren
- venus
- very
- vibrato
- vigilante
- vinatge
- vintage
- vintage'30s
- vintage'50s
- vito
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- wagner'slimline'
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