Alto Saxophone Eb Sax in Gold Lacquer with Hard Case- Intermusic Full Outfit 4
June 30, 20240 comments
ALTO SAXOPHONE in Eb. A handsome, robust and traditional saxophone by Intermusic. This saxophone produces a deep, rich tone and will sound great in any solo, jazz or larger band setting. Ideal as a start-up instrument for a player of any age; this saxophone comes as a complete outfit and is ready to go! Gold lacquer body & keys Key of Eb Traditional curved shape Pearl shell key buttons Decorative etchings to front of bell High F# key Adjustable thumb rest. Crook, mouthpiece & cap, ligature, reed & case. End plug, performance sling & swab cloth. Black rectangular hard frame case, plush inner with top & side. Handles protecting the instrument well in storage & on the road. Established in 1978 Chase is the UK’s pre-eminent specialist supplier of musical instruments. We supply musicians, pupils and schools all over the UK and across the world. Fast, friendly and efficient service & once in a lifetime bargain deals – It’s Cheaper at Chase. Unique Offers of Unique Guitars. The UK’s #1 independent musical instrument retailer. Now in our 40th year of trading, the Chase Music Store has never been more packed full of the world’s finest musical instruments all at great prices. In Store you can try over 500 guitars, digital pianos, keyboards and more. Based in the heart of Manchester’s flourishing Northern Quarter only about 5 minutes walk from Piccadilly Gardens. Chase Music – 58 Oldham Street – Manchester – M4 1LE. FOR THE LATEST NEWS & UPDATES.
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